Friday, 28 October 2016

Pandora vs. Shenlong - Steampunk Chores

In our first game in Weeks 7 & 8 of the Divergent Paths Event, we played the Child's Encounter - Steampunk Chores. In this Scenario, each Crew would earn VP for delivering at least two Scrap Markers to the Child in the centre of the board each turn. A pile of Scrap to each side of the board on the Centreline provided a source of Scrap Markers.

Scheme Pool: Hunting Party, Catch and Release, Show of Force and Occupy Their Turf


Pandora with Voices, Aether Connection and Fugue State
Primordial Magic
Spawn Mother
Bad Juju with Eternal Fiend and Malifaux Provides
Will O' The Wisp
Will O' The Wisp

Schemes: Hunting Party, Catch and Release

Ten Thunders:

Sensei Yu
Lone Swordsman
Wandering River Monk
Wandering River Monk
Shadow Effigy

Schemes: Convict Labour, Show of Force


Turn 1 saw both crews advance forwards, with a Wandering River Monk going for each pile of scrap, dropping Scheme Markers on the way (for Convict Labour). The Spawn Mother ran forwards and placed an Egg Marker for one of the Wisps to hatch. Pandora managed to Paralyse the Lone Swordsman and give him Mood Swings, a rather rude combo that alongside the Doppleganger almost guaranteed the Neverborn the first two Activations of Turn 2.

The newly summoned Gupps went to contest the right-hand pile of scrap while the Doppleganger moved up to contest the one on the left, although failed to use her mimicked (1) The Wisps' Call to keep the Wandering River Monk in place, and it wandered off with two Scrap Markers.

The Neverborn took the Initiative on Turn 2, charging the Wandering River Monk with the immortal Bad Juju, leaving it on low health and failing to score for Hunting Party. Pandora activated after the Paralysed Lone Swordsman and used two wins with Incite to push herself into Misery range of the Monk, Lone Swordsman and Shenlong. She attempted to Paralyse the Lone Swordsman again, but realised she was engaged with Shenlong, and Paralysed him instead. Not wanting to give up an easy Hunting Party VP, Pandora left the Wandering River Monk on 1 HP after her Inflicts, with her aura from Fugue State covering the Child Marker in case the Monk managed to get close enough to score.

Meanwhile, the Spawn Mother pumped out some more Gupps and killed a Tengu with a charge, scoring for Hunting Party while the little Swampfiends got to work gathering up Scrap. Sensei Yu attempted to heal the Wandering River Monk with Focus +2, but managed to flip nothing higher than a 3 (yet again, the cards really seemed to despise the Ten Thunders...). The Monk made a break for it anyway, but only managed to deliver one of it's two Scrap Markers, with no cards to cheat with after Pandora's Inflict spam.

The Doppleganger took a Scrap and headed for the centre, and Johanna stepped up to contest the Child Marker - which probably should have terrified Shenlong if either of us had realised he was a Tyrant! The Primordial Magic used it's Nullify to make the Lone Swordsman Insignificant, but also to cause damage from Misery.

With nothing contesting the centre, the Lone Swordsman scored for Show of Force.

The Ten Thunders reflipped Initiative for Turn 3 and won, allowing an angry Lone Swordsman to straight up remove Johanna, hitting his trigger that ignores Hard to Kill. Pandora made him suffer with Misery, taking him down with the help of the Primordial Magic, while the Doppleganger borrowed Bad Juju's Attack Action to deal with a Peasant for Hunting Party before continuing towards the centre to score. Bad Juju, given Slow and pushed backwards by Sensei Yu, did all he could - walk forwards.

The Spawn Mother pumped out even more Gupps and together they dominated the right flank.

Again, with no Neverborn contesting the centre, Sensei Yu scored for Show of Force.

Shenlong managed to shut Pandora down on Turn 4 by preventing her from using Soulstones and leaving her unable to deal with the rest of the attacks coming her way. Not before made him hit himself a few times, though!

The Effigy attempted to run away and avoid giving up points for Hunting Party, but Bad Juju cut it off.

The Doppleganger and one of the Gupps managed to deliver enough Scrap and to score and secured the victory for the Neverborn by getting another from Catch and Release on the last turn- it had been a close game, VP wise, up until this point, despite the heavy losses on the Ten Thunders side.

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