In the second of this fortnight's Divergent Paths Encounters, Wong faced off against Shenlong. The Encounter was Rampage - the Self-Righteous Man, changed by his passage through The Breach, undergoes a horrific change into a Werewolf, and the Ten Thunders and Gremlins both have plans to try and contain him. A Werewolf Marker starts in the centre of the board, attacking anyone who comes close for 2/4/6 damage and moving into base contact. Players score 1 VP for each Scheme Marker within 3" of the Werewolf at the end of each Turn, and then the Scheme Markers are removed.
Wong with A Gremlin's Luck, Do Over and Dirty Cheater
Trixiebelle with A Gun For A Lady
Sammy LaCroix with Oooh, Glowy
McTavish (Glowy)
Merris LaCroix
Rooster Rider
Lightning Bug
Stuffed Piglet
Schemes: Plant Evidence, Entourage (Trixiebelle)
Ten Thunders:
Sensei Yu
Ama No Zako
Katanaka Sniper
High River Monk
Schemes: Bodyguard, Line in the Sand
Forgot to take a picture before the Katanaka Sniper, Rooster Rider and Ama No Zako had activated...
The Katanaka sniper began the game by taking a shot at the Rooster Rider and doing severe damage. The Rider flew forwards and planted a Scheme Marker near the Werewolf, taking cover behind the clocktower. Unfortunately Ama No Zako, unhindered by the severe terrain of the forest and tore the Rider to shreds.
The Tengu and the rest of the Ten Thunders got to work placing Scheme Markers, enraging the Werewolf in the process but luring it in for scoring on Turn 2. Sammy prepared to jump out and Jynx Ama No Zako, while Merris and Trixie dropped Scheme Markers to fuel Wong's fireworks and McTavish blew the injured Tengu away.
At the end of the Turn, Wong placed a scheme marker next to the Werewolf - they wouldn't score this turn, but they'd come in handy later.
McTavish started Turn 2 by jumping out of cover and laying down a Hunting Screen for Wong, who was foolishly in the open. The Katanaka Sniper took the shot anyway, but the sight of a pet Gator put them off!
Sammy ran forwards and tried to Jynx Ama No Zako but failed terribly and had to be 'Lured' away from danger by Trixie.
While Shenlong and the Peasants were busy sweeping, the Stuffed Piglet ran forwards to block a charge lane and annoy the Sensei.
Sensei Yu, undetterred, killed the Stuffed Piglet anyway and wondered off to try and secure Line in the Sand. The death of the Stuffed Piglet allowed the High River Monk to charge Wong, but not before Wong activated himself - running forwards and using his (0) BOOM! to blow up three of the Ten Thunders' Scheme Markers.
Meanwhile, Ama No Zako and the Tengu placed more Scheme Markers for Line in the Sand, and the Lightning Bug and Merris ran in to move the Werewolf and place Scheme Markers to score from the Scenario.
Turn Three started with McTavish spending the entirety of a godly Hand to blow Ama No Zako away, making good use of his (0) and a discarded Rams to take a third shot.
Shenlong, rightly furious, took his anger out on Merris and the Lightning Bug, but not before Merris set a Scheme-running Tengu on fire with one of her molotovs. Trixie got herself into position to start running forwards for Entourage, while Wong used his Poof! trigger to escape combat with the High River Monk, using a Soulstone for a positive flip on his attempt to cast BOOM! only to flip a Black Joker on the positive flip. Oops. If that wasn't bad enough for Wong, the Monk and a Peasant then trapped him in place and set him on fire.
Shenlong began Turn Four by charging the trapped and unable-to-squeal Wong, who somehow managed to survive with Soulstones and Dirty Cheater and Poof! away again, discarding a card to gain Defensive +1 just in case.
Sensei Yu used his push to send the High River Monk after Wong, but McTavish gunned him down before he could get to him. Sammy got to work removing Scheme Markers, turning one into a Stuffed Piglet, while Trixie stole Sensei Yu's Scheme Marker with her (0) Presents? For Me?!
Trixie tried to run into the Ten Thunders Deployment Area, but was stopped by Shenlong and the Sniper, who also took out Wong at last. Sammy continued turning Scheme Markers into Stuffed Piglets while Sensei Yu tried to repair their Line in the Sand.
Finally, Sammy broke cover to plant a Scheme Marker for Plant Explosives, her Stuffed Piglets distracting the Ten Thunders.
At the end of the game, the Gremlins had racked up enough VP from the Werewolf to take the victory!
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