Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Reconnoitre
Schemes: Cursed Object, Outflank
Strategy: Reconnoitre
Schemes: Cursed Object, Outflank
Ulix with Husbandry, Dirty Cheater and Hunting Bow
Old Major with Corn Husks
Gracie with Saddle
Burt Jenkins with Dirty Cheater
Wild Boar
Slop Hauler
Old Major with Corn Husks
Gracie with Saddle
Burt Jenkins with Dirty Cheater
Wild Boar
Slop Hauler
Ten Thunders:
Misaki with Stalking Bisento and Smoke and Shadows
Izumi the Armour with Blot the Sky
Ten Thunders Brother
Ten Thunders Brother
Ten Thunders Brother
Ten Thunders Brother
Thunder Archer
Thunder Archer
(Scenery mainly from TT Combat and gaming mat from Deep Cut Studios) |
Aiming to secure one of the flanks for Outflank, the Wild Boar used From The Shadows to deploy up the board on the right, while Penelope scouted ahead while the rest deployed in the centre. Izamu, Misaki and the Thunder Archers deployed opposite, while the Torokage and Ten Thunders Brothers formed pairs on the flanks.
Ulix began by attempting to summon three Piglets, but only managed two. These Piglets activated and dropped Scheme Markers [edit: it's been pointed out to me that they can't do this the turn that they are Summoned. Oops! I thought they just gained Slow.], then the Slop Hauler finished off the War Pig Scheme Marker triangle.
The Torokage disappeared in smoke while the Ten Thunders Brothers advanced, one going for a flank while the other took cover behind a mine cart.
Gracie advanced and Riled Up to gain Reactivate, bringing along Burt, who took some pot shots at the Ten Thunders Brother behind the mine cart.
Izamu and the Thunder Archers moved up, and Misaki triple walked and chose Gracie as her Stalk target. Gracie, spooked, charged and ate the Ten Thunders Brother but ending up with Misaki in her face due to Stalk. Penelope pulled Gracie back to be next to Burt again.
The Wild Boar dropped a scheme marker, but did nothing else, as Outflank scores at the end of the game.
At the end of the Turn, the Thunder Archers took their Blot the Skies shots granted by Izamu, damaging Old Major and the Piglets with the Blasts, then the Torokage reappeared right in the midst of the Pigs!
At the start of Turn 2, Misaki changed her Stalk target to Old Major and charged in, ignoring all intervening models. Unfortunately for her, his twelve wounds proved too many, surviving the onslaught - just!
Penelope, in combat with a Torokage, pulled Gracie out of combat so that she could charge back in, then tried to take on the Torokage, but failed. The Torokage responded by repositioning behind her and turning her into a Corpse Marker.
Old Major activated, tusking Misaki for 'weak' damage of three and discarded a low Masks to push a Piglet into combat with the Torokage, giving it the Masks trigger - Bowl Over - on all of its attacks.
The surviving Ten Thunders Brother moved up and dropped a Scheme Marker for A Line in the Sand, then the Piglet attacked the Torokage, pushing it back far enough for the Wild Boar to Bayou Rampage and finish it off while the other Torokage tried to kill Burt and almost succeeded.
Sensing Burt was in danger, Gracie charged the last Torokage and, with her insane +2 Damage Rams trigger, finished it off and ate her fill.
Izamu and the Archers advanced, taking shots at Old Major with Thread the Needle, but Soulstones kept him alive.
Ulix summoned a War Pig with a cheated twelve and a further Piglet from the same War Pig, then healed Old Major, the War Pig and the Piglet for two with Proper Care and walked closer to Old Major. The Slop Hauler activated and helped heal Old Major, Ulix and the War Pig.
Burt activated next, attacking Misaki with his Lucky Knife, doing some damage, then a Piglet tried to nip at Misaki then handed her a Cursed Object, while the War Pig and the newest Piglet went for the flank, avoiding the mess of the centre of the board.
At the end of the Turn, the Thunder Archers bombarded the pigs, then both players scored for Reconnoitre and the Cursed Object scored for the Gremlins.
Izamu started the next turn by almost taking out Gracie, who was too far away to strike back. Old Major went after Misaki, doing some more damage and healing up with her Crows trigger. Misaki tried to finish off Burt, but he made her attack a Piglet instead, so she focused the rest of her efforts on killing Gracie, succeeding.
Trying to lower Misaki's defences, the Reckless Slop Hauler fired (er, hauled) into combat, hitting Burt by mistake and making him extra tasty, then healed Old Major, himself and Ulix. One of the Piglets tried to tie up one of the Archers, but ended up Stampeding into Izamu (oops.) The Thunder Archers tried to end Old Major and Burt, then Burt, now unable to Reckless due to only having one HP, took a couple of swings at Misaki, healing up by cheating low and missing.
The Ten Thunders Brother repositioned and dropped a second Scheme Marker for Line in the Sand, and with no activations left, left the Gremlins to finish up.
Ulix prodded Old Major twice, forcing her to attack - and brutally finish off - Misaki, healing Old Major even further with Crow triggers to boot!
The flanking Piglet and War Pig moved up further, while the Wild Boar used his (0) action to push back to the Scheme Marker he dropped previously, and then ran up into one of the Ten Thunders-held table quarters for Reconnoitre.
At the end of the Turn, the Thunder Archers hailed fire on the Pigs again, doing some good damage with their Blasts. Both sides scored for Reconnoitre, but only one point for the Ten Thunders thanks to the Wild Boar.
Leaderless, the Ten Thunders bravely fought on, but only briefly. The War Pig charged in, Stampeding from the closest Thunder Archer into Izamu. Ulix then managed to cause it to charge the weaker Thunder Archer with his Hunting Bow. After killing the Archer, the War Pig stampeded and killed the other Archer and charged the last Ten Thunders Brother, at which point we called the game.
Old Major was definitely MVP for this match, despite needing some encouragement from Ulix.
Ulix has been very impressive against the Ten Thunders masters, beating both Misaki and Shenlong, but losing to Mei Feng. I look forward to facing their next master - I know one of the Ten Thunders players has picked up Jacob Lynch, who should be very different.
I've been playing Ulix and the Hogs non-stop since I started writing up Battle Reports, but I do play other Gremlin masters, honest! While Zoraida is taking some time out until I can get my hands on some Will O' Wisps, which I'm really excited for, Ophelia, Som'er and Brewmaster need to see the table again, as well as Wong, who I've just picked up! Time to watch Big Trouble in Little China, I think...
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