Monday, 15 August 2016

Ulix vs. Shenlong

Strategy: Squatter's Rights
Schemes: Plant Evidence, Distract




- Ulix with Husbandry and Dirty Cheater
- Old Cranky (proxied by a Hog Whisperer)
- Old Major with Corn Husks
- Gracie with Saddle
- Burt Jenkins with Dirty Cheater
- Slop Hauler
- Merris LaCroix

Ten Thunders:


I drew a great hand on Turn 1, getting enough high cards to get three guaranteed Piglet summons straight off the bat, which got to work setting up a War Pig for Turn 2.

Burt and Gracie charged up the left flank to secure one of the Squat Markers while the Piglets went for two more with their (0) Interact Actions. Sensei Yu contested one of these two by running up to the Piglet and pushing him away with his Wind style. Despite only having 1 AP, the Piglet charged back with Pig Charge, doing nothing but keeping the Squat Marker secure and Distracting Sensei Yu.

Sensei Yu and the Piglet fought over this marker for the rest of the game, the determined Piglet being pushed away but constantly fighting against the winds to stay contesting.

Old Major was pulled out into the open, and Sooey-ed back again, but no amount of Soulstone usage could keep him from becoming smoky bacon.

Meanwhile, the War Pig went on a minor rampage, doing some damage to the clustered Ten Thunders in the centre, and Gracie got stuck in, refusing to die. Burt, low on wounds, cheated his way back to good health with Dirty Cheater.

All the while, Merris was recklessly flying around the boardedge, taking a Squat Marker and dropping Scheme Markers next to buildings for Plant Evidence.

Gracie finally went down to a furious Shenlong, but not after healing back to full by eating a Komainu, which the Daimyo swiftly resummoned from the Scrap Marker. Ulix, with his 4" melee range, trapped a sizeable amount of Ten Thunders in combat while clinging to life, propped up by the Slop Hauler.

Shortly after, the game ended, but not before Merris had dropped enough Scheme Markers out of the reach of the Ten Thunders to secure a very narrow victory for the Gremlins!

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