Friday, 16 September 2016

Som'er vs. Marcus - Breakout

This week, we joined in the Divergent Paths global event by playing the Self-Righteous Man's Scenario. Again, we had three Malifaux players at the club - so my opponent, Ben, was playing at a handicap - simultaneously playing a 50ss against the Wild Ones while playing against my Gremlins!


Som'er with Family Tree and Dirty Cheater
Trixiebelle with Gun for a Lady
Lenny with "I'll Love it and Pet it..."
Lightning Bug
Rooster Rider
Bayou Gremlin
Bayou Gremlin
Bayou Gremlin

Schemes: Plant Explosives, Outflank


Rogue Necromancy
Dawn Serpent
Luther (Blessed of December)
More details to come...!

Schemes: Entourage (revealed), Cursed Object


Turn One was a bit uneventful. Som'er, given Masks by the Skeeter, summoned two of three possible Bayou Gremlins, the third failing due to a Black Joker. The Lightning Bug blasted Lenny to heal them all up, and the Banjonista shuffled everyone forwards.

The Arcanists moved up behind the hedge, taking advantage of the cover to shrug off the shots from the Bayou Gremlins. The Rogue Necromancy Stalked the Rooster Rider, which ran up behind the Arcanists to pull it away from the pack.

Cheating the Initiative with Trixie, the Gremlins broke the Prisoner out of the Wagon at the very start of Turn Two for 2 VP, much to the frustration of the Arcanists.

A battle for control of the Prisoner broke out, with one poor Gremlin being surrounded by half of the Arcanists - who gave him a Cursed Object! Lenny tried to save the poor Gremlin from the curse of giving VP to the enemy, being immune to Conditions himself, but his minimum damage of 3 was reduced by his own damage-reduction aura, leaving the Gremlin on one Wd after his first attack.

Naturally, he flipped a Black Joker on the damage flip of his second attack. Damn it, Lenny!

Trixie tried to make up for Lenny's mistakes by charging in herself, but not before using (0) "Presents? For Me?" to carry a Scheme Marker dropped by one of the Bayou Gremlins into the fray. Despite only charging in as she needed to get into Melee anyway, she managed to leave the Dawn Serpent on only one Wd with some help from Lenny.

The Rogue Necromancy took an opportunity to turn the Rooster Rider into a Corpse Marker while the Gremlins were busy, and Luther leapt in to eat another Bayou Gremlin. Trying to block Marcus in, and with nothing much else to do, the Skeeter flew around behind the fight and got in his way. At the end of the Turn, Trixie's 'Presents' exploded for 3 VP to the Gremlins!

The Banjonista chose the start of Turn Three to show off his potency, allowing Trixiebelle to disengage, shuffling Som'er and the Gremlins in the forest around, and using (1) Pluck the Strings to hand out Paranoid (discard a card or take 2 damage when you activate) to four of the Arcanists! Unfortunately, he failed to kill the Dawn Serpent with his Banjo "Music" attack - allowing it to heal up to full with it's (0) action!

Disengaged from the Dawn Serpent, Trixie pushed the Prisoner out of reach of the Arcanists and charged back into the fray, but failed to finish anything off - even with Lenny's help. On his own, though, Lenny managed to squish one of the dogs and engage most of the Arcanists left in the fray - including a newly-shapeshifted Myranda. However, he failed to keep Marcus in combat, a problem for the Gremlins as he had revealed the Entourage scheme...!

Near the end of the turn, one of the dogs ran up to the Prisoner, securing a VP that I had thought they would be going without. Luther also leapt into the fray and turned a Gremlin to mist, while Som'er took pot shots at Marcus, trying to blow up a Gremlin with Cursed Object with the blasts from his gun, but failing - just! Marcus, at least, had to chew a handful of Soulstones to avoid taking too much damage.

On the last Turn, Lenny finally fell to all of the Beasts wailing on him, having failed to try and leave combat to (1) Toss Trixie away for the VP from Outflank. Som'er attempted to stop Marcus, but couldn't put enough damage on him or block his way - allowing Marcus to run his way into the Gremlin Deployment Area for 3 VP.

Sensing the Arcanists catching up to the Gremlin's 8 VP, Trixie failed to get her away to run to one of the flanks, but at least my 'pocket' Bayou Gremlin that had been hiding behind a house for the whole game managed to score a solitary VP from Outflank. However, with the 3 VP from Entourage, and another VP from the Scenario and Cursed Object, the Arcanists managed to match the Gremlins on 9 VP total - a draw!

With no option to report a draw currently, this might call for a rematch...!

See this game from the Arcanist's point of view here!

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