With no winning side in our last game, we decided a rematch was needed...!
This time, it would be Wong vs. Sandeep. The Scheme Pool was Assassinate, Make them Suffer, Breakthrough and Power Ritual, so I went for a small force that could go for Assassinate and Make them Suffer, predicting the fight to bunch up around the Wagon again.
Wong with A Gremlin's Luck, Do Over and Stilts
Sammy LaCroix with Oooh, Glowy!
Trixiebelle with A Gun for a Lady
Burt Jebsen with Dirty Cheater
Gracie with Saddle and Glowy, from Wong
Lightning Bug
Sandeep Desai
Arcane Emissary
Ice Dancer
Ice Dancer
The Gremlins deployed first, allowing the Ice Dancers to deploy in safety, going for Power Ritual.
Both sides advanced towards the cart, taking cover behind the wall. Meanwhile, the Gracie Taxi gave Burt a lift towards the Ice Dancers and using Rile Up to gain Reactivate. The Lightning Bug ran up, took a shot that missed, and placed a Tome on his card that would let him take a (1) Interact Action at the end of the turn. Sandeep moved up and summoned a Poison Gamin, then dragged Sue up, hoping to get close enough to Trixie to go for the kill and prevent me from cheating the Initiative on Turn 2. Trixie used her Gremlin "Lure" to push Sue just out of his threat range. Wong used his first Activation to take cover next to the Lightning Bug and zap away at Sandeep, who flipped a Black Joker for his defense - followed by a Red Joker for Wong's damage! This put some serious hurt on Sandeep despite Soulstone usage, and the Blasts put damage on Sue and the Emissary to boot. Yeah, Wong!
Burt chased after the Ice Dancers, but the Arcanists had more than enough cards to discard for their Butterfly Jump, dancing out of the way. Gracie reactivated, healing 1 from Oooh, Glowy! and giving Sammy a lift into cover.
At the end of the turn, a Scheme Marker that Wong had sent flying came back down, dealing some damage to Sandeep and Kudra. The Lightning Bug placed a Scheme Marker next to Wong as ammo for the next turn.
The Gremlins cheated the Initiative for Turn 2 and sprung the Prisoner for 2 VP with the Lightning Bug, who decided to get back behind cover and not protect the Prisoner - allowing Sandeep to hop in and push it back into the Arcanist's lines, as well as heal up a bit by pushing the Gamin around. Seeing a target, Gracie charged in, dealing 'Weak' and 'Moderate' damage to Sandeep, then gaining Reactivate. Trying to save Sandeep, Sue activated - putting some damage on Gracie with his pistols and giving his allies, including Sandeep, a positive flip to defend against Ca attacks. Gracie reactivated, going for the kill, but failed to hit Sandeep, and was then thrown out of the fight by the Arcane Emissary. Wong, meanwhile, used Gracie as a target to try and blast Sandeep away - almost succeeding, despite Sue's defensive aura, and put damage on Sue and the Emissary too.
With Gracie on low health, Kudra charged in, leaving the Hard to Kill Gracie on a single wound.. but with two Poison +2! The Poison Gamin walked up to the Lightning Bug and Sammy to engage them, but Sammy's Ca actions could still target Sandeep - although they failed to finish him off, and so did the Banjonista's Banjo "Music" and Trixie's Gun for a Lady!
Meanwhile, Burt tried to Charge one of the Ice Dancers - their Butterfly Jump only working against non-melee attacks. Burt failed to kill her, however, and she danced out of combat with the help of her Momentum!
Not that it mattered too much, though, as the other Ice Dancer managed to place a Scheme Marker for Power Ritual in the corner of the board anyway.
At the end of the Turn, Wong's scheme marker came down again - failing to damage anything this time. Gracie died to her poisoned wounds.
Cheating the Initiative again, Wong got to work - blowing Sandeep and Sue away and damaging the Arcane Emissary a bit more! Kudra managed to survive on two wounds, thanks to Butterfly Jump. Brutal. Sammy tried to kill the Poison Gamin, going for Make them Suffer, but failed. The Banjonista finished it off instead, forgetting that he wasn't an Enforcer... oops.
The Emissary went for revenge, charging at Wong. Unfortunately for him, Wong is a Gremlin, and he ran away with a Squeal. Trixie used Reckless to walk up and charge Kudra, slapping her for Severe damage - leaving nothing but a Corpse Marker! The Gremlins were feeling pretty confident at this point...!
However, the Ice Dancers were still placing Scheme Markers all over the place. My opponent had pointed out how few Minions I had for Make them Suffer, but perhaps they had taken Breakthrough instead... uhoh!
Giving up on the Ice Dancers, Burt tried to run over and help.. only for the Performer to Lure him in and give him Paralyzed.. oops!
The Gremlins cheated the Initiative again, allowing Sammy to prevent the Arcane Emissary from walking or charging with her Jynx ability right at the start of the Turn. She then turned an enemy Scheme Marker into a Stuffed Piglet with her (0) Putrefy, for reasons that are still unclear.
The Emissary activated and blasted the Banjonista, leaving it on two wounds and Burning +1. The Banjonista then ran up to try and block the Ice Dancers
Wong and Trixie tried to blast away the Performer but only really succeeded in hurting Trixie, meaning the Arcanists would still get a VP from the Scenario at the end of the Turn...
The Gremlins took the Initiative again, flipping the Red Joker - beating the Arcanist's 13 by one and not having to cheat for once! Poor Arcanists. Sammy went first again, locking down the Emissary and killing the Performer. The Arcane Emissary activated, drawing three cards from its Divinity ability, but as it was unable to move it simply raged at the sky and took pot shots at Sammy.
I had been trying to figure out how to use Trixie and Burt to get rid of one of the Power Ritual Scheme Markers, but the Ice Dancer activated and managed to get out of combat with the Banjonista - with us both cheating thirteens. She danced over to the corner of the table and placed another Scheme Marker. As she was cornered, Wong tried to take her out, but failed. Burt couldn't get close enough to matter in time, either.
We flipped for a fifth Turn, but got a measly two. The Arcanists revealed their second Scheme - Breakthrough - pushing them into the lead with 9 VP to my 8. Despite losing almost everything, the Arcanists, or rather the Ice Dancers, somehow managed to win.
Best of three...?!
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